Avatar Editing Tool Tutorial
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1.File Management (yellow zone)Click the “Open” button above to read a previously saved model file and continue editing.
2.General Category Selection (red zone)You can select the general category of your model on the far left. There are three categories:TopBottomShoes
3.Model Selection (blue zone)After choosing a general category, you can select a specific model under that category on the right.
4.Model Preview (green zone)
You can get a preview of the selected model on the far right.
The image can be rotated.
5.Go to The Editing Mode
Click the “New” button on the bottom of the screen to go to the editing mode and edit the model.
Model Selection Zone
1.File Management (yellow zone)
Click the “Open” button above to read a previously saved model file and continue editing.
Click the “Save” button to save your progress.
2.General Category Selection (red zone)
You can go back to the model selection page and select a new model to edit by clicking the category selection column.
3.Model Preview (green zone)
You can view the current status of your model. All changes will be shown in the preview zone.
The image can be rotated.
4.Editing Area (blue zone)
You can view the tile image of each part and make edits.
Zone Preview
Selected Reminder
When you select a part of a model, that part will be highlighted in both preview and editing zones.
You can only edit a model after selecting a specific part of it.
How to select?
You can select a part by clicking on that part in either the preview or the editing zone.
Selected StatusEditing ToolHow to use?As long as the image of a part has been uploaded, you can use the editing tools on the bottom to edit that part after successfully selecting it.
1-ResetThe part selected will be reset to blank.
2-UploadYou can upload images from your computer by clicking upload.You may only use one image at a time. A newly uploaded image will overwrite the old one.
3-MoveMove the mouse above the image to drag it on the screen after clicking move.
4-ScaleClick on the zoom button to get the input box. Type in numbers to zoom in or out.
5-RotateClick on the rotate button to get the input box. Type in numbers to make rotations.
6-ColorClick on the color button to get the palette. Choose the color you want to change the background color of the part.