
This is not a roadmap: It’s a to-do list.

Regarding the social metaverse, our vision is to enable 1 billion people to work, play, and make friends here. The crypto world is evolving so fast, the metaverse related technologies and the market environment are changing rapidly, so we need to be flexible when planning a long-term path. Here, we continue to move forward based on our current knowledge and understanding, and at an iterative speed of one version per week.


  1. The new Avatar image contains male and female characters, corresponding to nearly 20 actions.

  2. Automatically generated Avatar by camera

  3. Two-dimensional style Avatar generation

  4. Integrate some well-known 3D Avatar projects so that these NFTs can used.


functional module

  1. Real-time voice, clubhouse-like, can realize AMA, language chat and other functions

  2. The character can even walk the dog to enrich the scene elements

  3. The character has a range of actions including jumping and sitting down

  4. Follow others in the scene and jump to the room where your friends are located with one click

  5. Scene recording and sharing function

  6. Client Adaptation

Content Production

  1. AMA Hall

  2. SecondLive Lobby provided as public space.

  3. Multiple small scenes: bar, beach, rooftop, art gallery, forest, field, office, classroom, library, etc.


  1. Twitter integration

  2. Follow function

  3. Personal Profile page

  4. GalaxyID, CyberConnect protocol integration

  5. User Feed Stream


  1. The creator makes Space plug-ins


Peripheral functions

  1. BEAN is on chain, and the centralized mining method is migrated to the chain

  2. Add task and sign-in functions, and improve user guidance

Client Planning

  1. The client structure is adjusted, only Space-related functions are retained, and most of the functions are migrated to the web side.

  2. Mobile version support, planned to start in 2022

  3. VR version support, planned to start in 2023

Last updated