1. Proposal List
Users can access all proposals posted on Snapshot by SecondLive through SecondLive DAO’s proposal list and participate in polls.
2. Proposal Page
Users can go to the detail page of a proposal through the proposal list to get more information about this proposal and learn about a poll on it.
On the detail page, users can view their voting power after a proposal is created and participate in the poll.
3. Voting Power
Users can check their current voting power and its distribution by entering the Voting Power page.
Voting power calculation rules:
All the current SecondLive NFT holders can participate in voting, including Apartment NFT, Island NFT, Pet NFT, and Badge NFT.
The voting power varies in accordance with the level of NFT
Lv. S=1.3x, Lv. A=1.1x, Lv. B=1.0x, Lv. C=0.9x, Lv. D=0.8x
When there is no level attached to the NFT, the voting power equals the initial value of that NFT’s type.
Initial voting power for different types of NFT:
Note: Due to an update of the contract, the NFT staked generating Space before Mar.15 needs to be withdrawn and re-staked. Then the owner can get voting power.
4. About Snapshot
Snapshot is an off-chain polling platform. It offers a freeway for token holders to vote on proposals. Snapshot ensures safe and fair results for votes by saving proposals and polls on IPFS as encrypted signing messages.
SecondLive DAO entrusts all proposals and pools to Snapshot. This enables DAO to record and store all proposals, polls and results in a safe and decentralized way. All results are shown on SecondLive DAO.
Last updated