SNS Guideline

1. PC Client

1.1 Follow and Unfollow

  • Follow

Left-click on the user that you are willing to follow. Then click the “Follow” button on the pop-ups.

  • Unfollow

Find the user in your friend list and left-click to view the details. Then click “Unfollow”.

  • Friends list

In the lower-left corner, click the friend icon to view.

1.2 Chat

  • Start a chat

Option 1: Right-click on the friend in the friends list, click Message to start a chat.

Option 2: Click on the message icon in the friends list. View the recent contacts and start a chat.

  • Chat history

Click on the message icon in the friends list. View the recent contacts and check the records.

1.3 One-click to find your friends

View your friend’s location in friends list. Righ-click the friend and then click “Meet your friend there!” to reach the space your friend is staying.

2. Webpage

2.1 Friends list

In the upper-right corner of the navigation bar, click the friend icon to view the online status and start a chat.

2.2 Message list

Click the message icon in the upper-right corner of the navigation bar to view the recent chats and start a new chat.

2.3 One-click to find your friends

View your friend’s location in the friends list. Righ-click the friend and then click “Meet your friend there!” to reach the space your friend is staying.

Last updated